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Hygienic and clean nail modelling with cellulose swabs

The use of hygienic tools, such as cellulose swabs, is very important for manicures, pedicures or a professional nail modelling. Cellulose swabs can be used in many different ways. The cellulose swabs we offer are suitable for intense cleaning and preparation of fingernails at the start of a manicure. Cellulose swabs are often used in a variety of situations thanks to their versatility, such as for the removal of nail polish or the dispersion film (sweating layer). This is why we offer a variety of product combinations with cellulose swabs in our range. In our nail design shop you can find, amongst other things, cellulose swabs that are particularly good value, and are combined with nail cleaner or nail polish remover in various sizes. To work as precisely and cleanly as possible in nail design, it is particularly important to use lint-free cellulose swabs, as they don't leave any annoying fluff on the nail surface. This means, for example, that you don't need to worry that your nail design will be dotted with fluff after removing the dispersion film (sweating layer).

Hygienic and orderly with a cellulose pad dispenser

Often it's the first impression which decides the well-being of your customers. With a cellulose pad dispenser you ensure a positive impression, as the cellulose swabs are not only handy but also hygienically stored. Nothing is more annoying during a manicure than being completely concentrated on the creation of a nail design and not having the cellulose swabs that you need to dab or correct your work handy. A cellulose pad dispenser is perfect for this. The cellulose swabs are simply placed in the dispenser and positioned in such a way that you can easily reach the cellulose swabs at any time. Hygienic storage in a cellulose pad dispenser also prevents the cellulose swabs from losing their sterility and irritating the strained cuticles even more when they are used.

Hygienic transport of cellulose swabs for a mobile nail studio

Many nail designers spend a lot of time visiting customers, and always need to have all their tools stowed away tidily and securely. To transport the cellulose swabs as well as possible, we recommend using a cellulose pad dispenser. These can be easily stored in a cosmetics trolley, which protects the cellulose swabs from external influences. Even if you're doing your own gel nails or visiting a friend to model a cool new nail design, you should always have hygienic cellulose swabs handy. It's often small things, like cellulose swabs, that decide the success of a nail modelling session, which is why you should pay close attention when selecting your tools.

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Hygienic and clean nail modelling with cellulose swabs

The use of hygienic tools, such as cellulose swabs, is very important for manicures, pedicures or a professional nail modelling. Cellulose swabs can be used in many different ways. The cellulose swabs we offer are suitable for intense cleaning and preparation of fingernails at the start of a manicure. Cellulose swabs are often used in a variety of situations thanks to their versatility, such as for the removal of nail polish or the dispersion film (sweating layer). This is why we offer a variety of product combinations with cellulose swabs in our range. In our nail design shop you can find, amongst other things, cellulose swabs that are particularly good value, and are combined with nail cleaner or nail polish remover in various sizes. To work as precisely and cleanly as possible in nail design, it is particularly important to use lint-free cellulose swabs, as they don't leave any annoying fluff on the nail surface. This means, for example, that you don't need to worry that your nail design will be dotted with fluff after removing the dispersion film (sweating layer).

Hygienic and orderly with a cellulose pad dispenser

Often it's the first impression which decides the well-being of your customers. With a cellulose pad dispenser you ensure a positive impression, as the cellulose swabs are not only handy but also hygienically stored. Nothing is more annoying during a manicure than being completely concentrated on the creation of a nail design and not having the cellulose swabs that you need to dab or correct your work handy. A cellulose pad dispenser is perfect for this. The cellulose swabs are simply placed in the dispenser and positioned in such a way that you can easily reach the cellulose swabs at any time. Hygienic storage in a cellulose pad dispenser also prevents the cellulose swabs from losing their sterility and irritating the strained cuticles even more when they are used.

Hygienic transport of cellulose swabs for a mobile nail studio

Many nail designers spend a lot of time visiting customers, and always need to have all their tools stowed away tidily and securely. To transport the cellulose swabs as well as possible, we recommend using a cellulose pad dispenser. These can be easily stored in a cosmetics trolley, which protects the cellulose swabs from external influences. Even if you're doing your own gel nails or visiting a friend to model a cool new nail design, you should always have hygienic cellulose swabs handy. It's often small things, like cellulose swabs, that decide the success of a nail modelling session, which is why you should pay close attention when selecting your tools.

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