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Disinfection of tools and the workspace

Important factors that customers notice when entering a nail salon are the equipment and the level of hygiene. We recommend that you always ensure a hygienic working environment, so that you are able to offer your customers an optimal nail design experience. The following principles apply: The working space should be thoroughly disinfected before each customer. A product for surface disinfection is generally used for extensive disinfection. This allows extensive and rigorous disinfection of large surfaces. You should make sure that all work areas and tools that the customer comes into contact with during the nail modelling are adequately disinfected. You should focus in particular on the disinfection and cleaning of the UV or LED curing device, hand rest, work station lamp and all tools. This is the only way to ensure a sterile and completely hygienic work environment. It also gives your customers a professional and serious impression from the very start of their nail modelling session.

Hand disinfection for your and the customer's protection

You should disinfect both your own hands and those of your customer before starting a manicure or nail modelling. You should make sure that the hands are completely cleaned. The best option for this disinfection is a disinfection spray. Spray ensures that the disinfectant is evenly spread over the entire hand, and even difficult to reach areas are cleaned. The disinfectant should soak in briefly, then be dried off with a paper towel. This disinfection prevents possible inflammation, e.g. of the nail bed, after nail modelling. Frequent filing of the gel nail modelling has a negative effect on the cuticles. With disinfection at the start of the nail gel modelling you ensure that no bacteria will penetrate into any potential crack in the cuticles. Please note that the disinfectant needs to soak into the skin for a while before you dry it off. When selecting a disinfectant in our shop you can choose between a hand disinfectant and a skin antiseptic (skin disinfectant). Compared to hand disinfectants, skin disinfectants need to fulfil higher requirements. For example, a skin disinfectant must have a particularly short treatment time, generally between 15 seconds and one minute. The short treatment time means that this type of skin disinfectant is perfect for nail modelling.

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Disinfection of tools and the workspace

Important factors that customers notice when entering a nail salon are the equipment and the level of hygiene. We recommend that you always ensure a hygienic working environment, so that you are able to offer your customers an optimal nail design experience. The following principles apply: The working space should be thoroughly disinfected before each customer. A product for surface disinfection is generally used for extensive disinfection. This allows extensive and rigorous disinfection of large surfaces. You should make sure that all work areas and tools that the customer comes into contact with during the nail modelling are adequately disinfected. You should focus in particular on the disinfection and cleaning of the UV or LED curing device, hand rest, work station lamp and all tools. This is the only way to ensure a sterile and completely hygienic work environment. It also gives your customers a professional and serious impression from the very start of their nail modelling session.

Hand disinfection for your and the customer's protection

You should disinfect both your own hands and those of your customer before starting a manicure or nail modelling. You should make sure that the hands are completely cleaned. The best option for this disinfection is a disinfection spray. Spray ensures that the disinfectant is evenly spread over the entire hand, and even difficult to reach areas are cleaned. The disinfectant should soak in briefly, then be dried off with a paper towel. This disinfection prevents possible inflammation, e.g. of the nail bed, after nail modelling. Frequent filing of the gel nail modelling has a negative effect on the cuticles. With disinfection at the start of the nail gel modelling you ensure that no bacteria will penetrate into any potential crack in the cuticles. Please note that the disinfectant needs to soak into the skin for a while before you dry it off. When selecting a disinfectant in our shop you can choose between a hand disinfectant and a skin antiseptic (skin disinfectant). Compared to hand disinfectants, skin disinfectants need to fulfil higher requirements. For example, a skin disinfectant must have a particularly short treatment time, generally between 15 seconds and one minute. The short treatment time means that this type of skin disinfectant is perfect for nail modelling.

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