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Nails & Beauty Factory Mundschutz - Staubmaske Blau 50er Set Main
Dust Masks Set of 50
€24.99 * €14.99 *
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Professional nail modelling with a dust mask

Why should I wear a dust mask while doing nail modelling? The amount of filing or shaping during a nail modelling is often underestimated. This filing produces a lot of fine dust, which can easily reach the lungs via the respiratory tract if no mouth protection or dust mask is used, or the protection is inadequate. For a professional nail designer, who delights many customers with fascinating nail designs every day, the exposure is much higher than for private nail design. This is why you should wear a dust mask if you are doing modelling every day, to prevent possible illnesses caused by fine dust. When using a dust mask, it is important to make sure that the mask covers both the nose and the mouth completely. This is the only way to guarantee that fine dust gets caught by the mask and doesn't reach the lungs. We sell high-quality dust protection masks at good value prices. You can now protect yourself well against fine dust.

Do you need a dust mask when doing your own nail modelling?

In principle, we recommend using a dust mask whenever you give a manicure or do an extensive nail modelling. When using nail tips, you need to file them into shape as part of the modelling, and also retouch any unevenness that occurs. Filing the tips releases plastic particles, which can reach the lungs if there is not adequate protection. These days many people also use electric files at home, as these make nail modelling much easier and can save a lot of time. But especially when working with electric files, you need to make sure to wear a dust mask, as the dust particles created by an electric file are much finer than those created by a nail file. The concentration of fine dust is also much higher when using an electric file than when working on fingernails with a classic nail file. This is why, for your own health, you should wear a dust mask when using an electric file to work on nail modelling, even if this is for private use. With a dust mask you can effectively protect yourself from breathing in dust particles. Your lungs will thank you for protecting them from fine dust, even at home.

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Professional nail modelling with a dust mask

Why should I wear a dust mask while doing nail modelling? The amount of filing or shaping during a nail modelling is often underestimated. This filing produces a lot of fine dust, which can easily reach the lungs via the respiratory tract if no mouth protection or dust mask is used, or the protection is inadequate. For a professional nail designer, who delights many customers with fascinating nail designs every day, the exposure is much higher than for private nail design. This is why you should wear a dust mask if you are doing modelling every day, to prevent possible illnesses caused by fine dust. When using a dust mask, it is important to make sure that the mask covers both the nose and the mouth completely. This is the only way to guarantee that fine dust gets caught by the mask and doesn't reach the lungs. We sell high-quality dust protection masks at good value prices. You can now protect yourself well against fine dust.

Do you need a dust mask when doing your own nail modelling?

In principle, we recommend using a dust mask whenever you give a manicure or do an extensive nail modelling. When using nail tips, you need to file them into shape as part of the modelling, and also retouch any unevenness that occurs. Filing the tips releases plastic particles, which can reach the lungs if there is not adequate protection. These days many people also use electric files at home, as these make nail modelling much easier and can save a lot of time. But especially when working with electric files, you need to make sure to wear a dust mask, as the dust particles created by an electric file are much finer than those created by a nail file. The concentration of fine dust is also much higher when using an electric file than when working on fingernails with a classic nail file. This is why, for your own health, you should wear a dust mask when using an electric file to work on nail modelling, even if this is for private use. With a dust mask you can effectively protect yourself from breathing in dust particles. Your lungs will thank you for protecting them from fine dust, even at home.

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