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Selection Line Red Farbgel Rich Love Red 5ml
Selection Line Red Colour Gel Love Red 5 ml
€3.99 * €1.99 *
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Selection Line Red Farbgel Scarlet Red 5ml
Selection Line Red Colour Gel Scarlet Red 5ml
€3.99 * €1.99 *
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Selection Line Red – seductive and unbelievably vibrant red tones

Passion, not desolation – the fashion world has re-discovered the classic colour red and now offers the most beautiful trends using the colour of love. The colour red is the new little black dress and proves itself to be timeless as well as highly trendy. The countless different red tones are so popular because of how infinitely versatile they are to combine. Deep, powerful reds exude elegance and seduction, leaving you free to style them in any way you could possibly want. A bright red colour can be worn in a coordinated look or can be added as an eye-catching detail on outfits that are predominantly black or gold. It is not only the glamorous outfits that look beautiful with a dash of red – this colour has so much more to offer. Even the most subtle nail designs can be brought to life in every possible shade of red. The Red UV Gels from the exclusive Nails & Beauty Factory Selection Line range from darker, more sensual wine reds and berry-coloured tones all the way to rusty reds or even coral hues. Ours is a fascinating colour palette of reds – the perfect highlight for every nail design fan.

Elegant highlights with the Nails & Beauty Factory Selection Line Red Gels

Try the high quality gels from the Nails & Beauty Factory Selection Line for yourself – they have been developed for you with the help of professional nail designers. A part of this series has been solely dedicated to the irresistible nail classic – the colour red. It offers a first class selection of red tones for your individual nail designs. The high density of colour pigments make the incredibly intense colours of these UV gels unique. They also add a unique shine to your nails. The medium viscosity of the Red UV Colour Gels makes working with them incredibly easy and ensures that they won’t run whilst being applied. Your nail model will cure quickly and will stay strong and firm for a long time. The Red UV Colour Gels can be used for beautiful full cover designs, be drawn on as creative nail art using brushes or can even be decorated with extravagant nail art accessories. You can apply a sealing UV gel at the end to create a beautiful, intense shine – your completed nail design will be a true eye-catcher.

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Selection Line Red – seductive and unbelievably vibrant red tones

Passion, not desolation – the fashion world has re-discovered the classic colour red and now offers the most beautiful trends using the colour of love. The colour red is the new little black dress and proves itself to be timeless as well as highly trendy. The countless different red tones are so popular because of how infinitely versatile they are to combine. Deep, powerful reds exude elegance and seduction, leaving you free to style them in any way you could possibly want. A bright red colour can be worn in a coordinated look or can be added as an eye-catching detail on outfits that are predominantly black or gold. It is not only the glamorous outfits that look beautiful with a dash of red – this colour has so much more to offer. Even the most subtle nail designs can be brought to life in every possible shade of red. The Red UV Gels from the exclusive Nails & Beauty Factory Selection Line range from darker, more sensual wine reds and berry-coloured tones all the way to rusty reds or even coral hues. Ours is a fascinating colour palette of reds – the perfect highlight for every nail design fan.

Elegant highlights with the Nails & Beauty Factory Selection Line Red Gels

Try the high quality gels from the Nails & Beauty Factory Selection Line for yourself – they have been developed for you with the help of professional nail designers. A part of this series has been solely dedicated to the irresistible nail classic – the colour red. It offers a first class selection of red tones for your individual nail designs. The high density of colour pigments make the incredibly intense colours of these UV gels unique. They also add a unique shine to your nails. The medium viscosity of the Red UV Colour Gels makes working with them incredibly easy and ensures that they won’t run whilst being applied. Your nail model will cure quickly and will stay strong and firm for a long time. The Red UV Colour Gels can be used for beautiful full cover designs, be drawn on as creative nail art using brushes or can even be decorated with extravagant nail art accessories. You can apply a sealing UV gel at the end to create a beautiful, intense shine – your completed nail design will be a true eye-catcher.

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