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UV Nail Polish – Deceptively real, just like gel nails

Fashionistas love well-groomed and exceptionally designed fingernails. Gel and acrylic nails give the best results. If this method is a bit too much work or you have clients that just need a beautiful nail design for a special occasion, the UV nail polish is just the right thing. This gel polish is painted on just like any other normal nail polish, but is just as durable as a UV gel. This product is tough and durable with a smooth surface and fantastic hold for up to three weeks. Before you apply the UV nail polish, be sure to roughen the natural nail with a buffer. Then create a base with a UV base & top coat, after which the UV nail polish is applied. The gel polish can be hardened using a UV lamp or an LED light.

UV Nail Polish – Enchanting colours for a fantastic look

There is gel polish in a natural French look for all fans of classic nail designs. Create your own Beauty Nails to match every outfit. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer an urban style or rather embrace an elegant look – French nails always work. There are of course trendy fashion colours available in our shop that impress across the board. Add a touch of freshness to your outfits with red and diverse nude combinations. Our red tones are impressively extravagant. The UV nail polish in the colour fuchsia works just as well with an elegant black and white outfit as it does with a cool jeans look. Our coral tone looks very delicate but can still add a cheerful touch to a trendy safari style. Green nail polish is definitely an eye-catcher and makes your hands stand out when your outfit mainly consists of green or brown tones. Is blue your favourite colour and jeans your go-to outfit? Then the UV nail polish in the colours turquoise or teal are perfect for you, to underline your fresh appearance. These nails would also nicely compliment an all-white summery look. Use our enchanting range of nail art products to add to the gel polish base for special occasions, or if you simply want to add eye-catching detail to your look. Our gold or silver foils can add a touch of extravagance to your look and the wonderful colours of our glitter powders will create a subtle sheen. Let your imagination run free to create anything and everything you like!

The great selection in our online shop

We have a huge selection of products to offer you here at Nails & Beauty Factory – all of which can be used to create artistic and individual nail designs. This means you can also fulfil all of your client’s wishes. We only provide the highest quality products that we have personally tested.

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UV Nail Polish – Deceptively real, just like gel nails

Fashionistas love well-groomed and exceptionally designed fingernails. Gel and acrylic nails give the best results. If this method is a bit too much work or you have clients that just need a beautiful nail design for a special occasion, the UV nail polish is just the right thing. This gel polish is painted on just like any other normal nail polish, but is just as durable as a UV gel. This product is tough and durable with a smooth surface and fantastic hold for up to three weeks. Before you apply the UV nail polish, be sure to roughen the natural nail with a buffer. Then create a base with a UV base & top coat, after which the UV nail polish is applied. The gel polish can be hardened using a UV lamp or an LED light.

UV Nail Polish – Enchanting colours for a fantastic look

There is gel polish in a natural French look for all fans of classic nail designs. Create your own Beauty Nails to match every outfit. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer an urban style or rather embrace an elegant look – French nails always work. There are of course trendy fashion colours available in our shop that impress across the board. Add a touch of freshness to your outfits with red and diverse nude combinations. Our red tones are impressively extravagant. The UV nail polish in the colour fuchsia works just as well with an elegant black and white outfit as it does with a cool jeans look. Our coral tone looks very delicate but can still add a cheerful touch to a trendy safari style. Green nail polish is definitely an eye-catcher and makes your hands stand out when your outfit mainly consists of green or brown tones. Is blue your favourite colour and jeans your go-to outfit? Then the UV nail polish in the colours turquoise or teal are perfect for you, to underline your fresh appearance. These nails would also nicely compliment an all-white summery look. Use our enchanting range of nail art products to add to the gel polish base for special occasions, or if you simply want to add eye-catching detail to your look. Our gold or silver foils can add a touch of extravagance to your look and the wonderful colours of our glitter powders will create a subtle sheen. Let your imagination run free to create anything and everything you like!

The great selection in our online shop

We have a huge selection of products to offer you here at Nails & Beauty Factory – all of which can be used to create artistic and individual nail designs. This means you can also fulfil all of your client’s wishes. We only provide the highest quality products that we have personally tested.

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