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Nailart Sticker Flower
Nailart Sticker Flower
€1.39 *
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Nailart Sticker Purple Flower
Nailart Sticker Purple Flower
€1.39 *
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Nailart Sticker Roses
Nailart Sticker Roses
€1.39 *
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Nailart Sticker Violet Flower
Nailart Sticker Violet Flower
€1.39 *
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Minimum effort with maximum output – Nail Tattoos

Many women wish for their very own dream nails, but a lot don’t have the time to elaborately decorate their real or artificial nails. Nail art products like nail tattoos offer the perfect solution for quickly and easily transforming fingernails into stylish eye-catchers. Nail tattoos open up a world of possibility when it comes to turn nails into extravagant masterpieces without any elaborate painting. Just cut out the right picture and apply it. The sensational range of premium quality nail tattoos offers subtle and extravagant motifs for every style and look. Romantic flowers in delicate colours or cool black ornaments can create decorative highlights. You can decorate natural nails just as well as artificial ones with nail tattoos. The application and finish creates fantastic results on every background.

Stylish nail designs – quick and professional

Groomed fingernails are a part of tasteful styling. Pastel coloured floral pictures on French manicured nails look fantastic when worn with summer dresses and blouses. Nail art featuring beautiful butterflies add a cool highlight to jeans and a plain T-shirt. If a single nail tattoo is too simple for you, then arrange several motifs into one big collage. You can also combine them with gems and pearls to create a whole array of different styles. Nail tattoos look as stylish on natural nails as they do on a bright nail polish. The most fantastic effects can be created on individual manicures thanks to the easy application. Simply cut out the desired nail tattoo with a nail scissors. Place it in warm water until the foil comes off, let any excess water drip off and then position it on the carefully pre-modelled natural or artificial nail. Sealing the nail with UV gel or a top coat is necessary to perfectly finish off the small works of art. The nail art is then securely fixed and stays looking great for longer. As opposed to self-adhesive nail stickers, water-based nail tattoos are nice and flat and don’t appear bulky.

Nail art for every style and occasion at Nails & Beauty Factory

You can find a large selection of nail tattoos as well as their matching accessories in the most varied motifs for fantastic value in the Nails & Beauty Factory online shop. Have a browse through our offers on high quality products for professional nail art and nail modelling. We do not have a minimum order value and so even the smallest nail salons will benefit from our unbeatable prices. From starter sets to exclusive care products; we have all the things you will need for a successful start as a nail designer.

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Minimum effort with maximum output – Nail Tattoos

Many women wish for their very own dream nails, but a lot don’t have the time to elaborately decorate their real or artificial nails. Nail art products like nail tattoos offer the perfect solution for quickly and easily transforming fingernails into stylish eye-catchers. Nail tattoos open up a world of possibility when it comes to turn nails into extravagant masterpieces without any elaborate painting. Just cut out the right picture and apply it. The sensational range of premium quality nail tattoos offers subtle and extravagant motifs for every style and look. Romantic flowers in delicate colours or cool black ornaments can create decorative highlights. You can decorate natural nails just as well as artificial ones with nail tattoos. The application and finish creates fantastic results on every background.

Stylish nail designs – quick and professional

Groomed fingernails are a part of tasteful styling. Pastel coloured floral pictures on French manicured nails look fantastic when worn with summer dresses and blouses. Nail art featuring beautiful butterflies add a cool highlight to jeans and a plain T-shirt. If a single nail tattoo is too simple for you, then arrange several motifs into one big collage. You can also combine them with gems and pearls to create a whole array of different styles. Nail tattoos look as stylish on natural nails as they do on a bright nail polish. The most fantastic effects can be created on individual manicures thanks to the easy application. Simply cut out the desired nail tattoo with a nail scissors. Place it in warm water until the foil comes off, let any excess water drip off and then position it on the carefully pre-modelled natural or artificial nail. Sealing the nail with UV gel or a top coat is necessary to perfectly finish off the small works of art. The nail art is then securely fixed and stays looking great for longer. As opposed to self-adhesive nail stickers, water-based nail tattoos are nice and flat and don’t appear bulky.

Nail art for every style and occasion at Nails & Beauty Factory

You can find a large selection of nail tattoos as well as their matching accessories in the most varied motifs for fantastic value in the Nails & Beauty Factory online shop. Have a browse through our offers on high quality products for professional nail art and nail modelling. We do not have a minimum order value and so even the smallest nail salons will benefit from our unbeatable prices. From starter sets to exclusive care products; we have all the things you will need for a successful start as a nail designer.

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