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Crescent nail files - the all-rounders in nail care

For shortening natural nails, removing polishes and gels, or polishing and shaping nails: Nail files are some of the most important tools in a professional nail salon. They not only take care of the final touches in nail care, but are also needed throughout the entire nail design process. There are various files available for nail design – one popular shape is the crescent shape.

One file for all types of work

Crescent nail files are a practical tool for nail designers, and are true all-rounders. One side of the crescent nail file is rounded – similar to a banana file. This lets the edges of the nails be easily filed and shaped. Polishing the nail bed is also simple with the crescent files – and most importantly also painless for the customer. The other side is straight, just like a straight file – ideal for quickly shortening the nail. The advantage of crescent files for nail designers or experienced beginners: You only need the one tool for various work steps in nail design, not many different nail files. This keeps the workspace tidy, makes fast and clean working possible, and reduces the amount of equipment for when the nail salon needs to be mobile and the nail designer drives to a customer's house.

Ensure cost savings when ordering

With the crescent file you have a tool that will accompany you through many work steps in professional nail design – and which can be used for a long time. Our nail files can be easily cleaned and disinfected after use. This ensures a hygienic working environment, and also that they do not need to be replaced as regularly. When used correctly the nail file is a durable tool. But at some stage it will still need replacement. We recommend our nail file sets so that you always have a good stock of nail files. Our nail file sets each have two different grits – for coarse work such as the shortening of nails, and also fine grit for shaping and polishing. It doesn't make a difference whether you are working with a natural or artificial nail. The nail file set is suitable for all materials and surfaces.

Order crescent nail files from Nails & Beauty Factory!

Buying a nail file set also has the advantage of a cost saving compared to individual purchase. Whether 10, 50 or 100 pieces – depending on your needs you can order a set that generously suits your individual consumption. A suitably large stock of nail files is naturally also an advantage if you are not able to disinfect files between customers - for example as a mobile nail designer. Sometimes you will also need a replacement, if the file breaks or can no longer be cleaned. The nail file sets from Nails & Beauty Factory mean that you are perfectly prepared for these cases and similar.

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Crescent nail files - the all-rounders in nail care

For shortening natural nails, removing polishes and gels, or polishing and shaping nails: Nail files are some of the most important tools in a professional nail salon. They not only take care of the final touches in nail care, but are also needed throughout the entire nail design process. There are various files available for nail design – one popular shape is the crescent shape.

One file for all types of work

Crescent nail files are a practical tool for nail designers, and are true all-rounders. One side of the crescent nail file is rounded – similar to a banana file. This lets the edges of the nails be easily filed and shaped. Polishing the nail bed is also simple with the crescent files – and most importantly also painless for the customer. The other side is straight, just like a straight file – ideal for quickly shortening the nail. The advantage of crescent files for nail designers or experienced beginners: You only need the one tool for various work steps in nail design, not many different nail files. This keeps the workspace tidy, makes fast and clean working possible, and reduces the amount of equipment for when the nail salon needs to be mobile and the nail designer drives to a customer's house.

Ensure cost savings when ordering

With the crescent file you have a tool that will accompany you through many work steps in professional nail design – and which can be used for a long time. Our nail files can be easily cleaned and disinfected after use. This ensures a hygienic working environment, and also that they do not need to be replaced as regularly. When used correctly the nail file is a durable tool. But at some stage it will still need replacement. We recommend our nail file sets so that you always have a good stock of nail files. Our nail file sets each have two different grits – for coarse work such as the shortening of nails, and also fine grit for shaping and polishing. It doesn't make a difference whether you are working with a natural or artificial nail. The nail file set is suitable for all materials and surfaces.

Order crescent nail files from Nails & Beauty Factory!

Buying a nail file set also has the advantage of a cost saving compared to individual purchase. Whether 10, 50 or 100 pieces – depending on your needs you can order a set that generously suits your individual consumption. A suitably large stock of nail files is naturally also an advantage if you are not able to disinfect files between customers - for example as a mobile nail designer. Sometimes you will also need a replacement, if the file breaks or can no longer be cleaned. The nail file sets from Nails & Beauty Factory mean that you are perfectly prepared for these cases and similar.

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