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Straight files - the practical classic

Perfect nail modelling also requires excellent nail care. Probably the most important tools for this are nail files, which not only shape and shorten natural and gel nails, and tips, but also correct chipped or torn sections. Professional equipment should be used so that various nail types – brittle, soft, hard – aren't made to suffer unnecessarily during nail modelling. That's why a nail file set with various shapes – for example straight nail files – and grain sizes is perfect.

Proper use of a straight file

Straight files are perfect for the first steps of working on both natural or artificial nails. Why? The coarse side can be used to shorten the nail to the desired length. The straight shape makes fast shortening possible. The straight file also makes it possible to shape the nail any way you want. The extra-wide Big Square nail files let you can work both quickly and thoroughly. Straight nail files with low grit levels, which are also known as coarse files, are recommended for fast shortening of nails. These file down the nail or the nail modelling quickly. After this a file with a high grit (fine) takes care of the final polish. With very high grit file you also have a product that is perfect for polishing the nails. This makes the straight files very versatile and practical tool for professional nail design. Your equipment is complete with our banana files and crescent files.

Good value straight nail file set

A nail file set offers financial savings potential, and can be ordered in whatever grit you want. The nail files are significantly cheaper to buy this way than individual purchase. Buying a nail file set lets you can concentrate completely on your customers, without having to constantly think about ordering more new nail files. Although these high-quality products are extremely robust, and therefore don't need to be replaced frequently, even the best quality nail file will be worn out at some stage. With this set you will always have a new nail file ready when you need it. The best thing: Because our straight files can be cleaned and disinfected, the products in your nail salon will always be completely hygienic. This is an important point for nail modelling and manicures, as it has an direct affect on the well-being of the customer and the overall result.

Perfect results with the right files from Nails & Beauty Factory

For perfect nail design you need more than "just" an expert nail designer, but also the appropriate equipment, which you are best off purchasing from a professional outfitter. Here you can find high-quality and robust products in a variety of models, for every purpose and requirement. This means that you can cater to every customer individually. We also offer opportunities for savings – for example with nail file sets with 10, 50 or even 100 nail files.

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Straight files - the practical classic

Perfect nail modelling also requires excellent nail care. Probably the most important tools for this are nail files, which not only shape and shorten natural and gel nails, and tips, but also correct chipped or torn sections. Professional equipment should be used so that various nail types – brittle, soft, hard – aren't made to suffer unnecessarily during nail modelling. That's why a nail file set with various shapes – for example straight nail files – and grain sizes is perfect.

Proper use of a straight file

Straight files are perfect for the first steps of working on both natural or artificial nails. Why? The coarse side can be used to shorten the nail to the desired length. The straight shape makes fast shortening possible. The straight file also makes it possible to shape the nail any way you want. The extra-wide Big Square nail files let you can work both quickly and thoroughly. Straight nail files with low grit levels, which are also known as coarse files, are recommended for fast shortening of nails. These file down the nail or the nail modelling quickly. After this a file with a high grit (fine) takes care of the final polish. With very high grit file you also have a product that is perfect for polishing the nails. This makes the straight files very versatile and practical tool for professional nail design. Your equipment is complete with our banana files and crescent files.

Good value straight nail file set

A nail file set offers financial savings potential, and can be ordered in whatever grit you want. The nail files are significantly cheaper to buy this way than individual purchase. Buying a nail file set lets you can concentrate completely on your customers, without having to constantly think about ordering more new nail files. Although these high-quality products are extremely robust, and therefore don't need to be replaced frequently, even the best quality nail file will be worn out at some stage. With this set you will always have a new nail file ready when you need it. The best thing: Because our straight files can be cleaned and disinfected, the products in your nail salon will always be completely hygienic. This is an important point for nail modelling and manicures, as it has an direct affect on the well-being of the customer and the overall result.

Perfect results with the right files from Nails & Beauty Factory

For perfect nail design you need more than "just" an expert nail designer, but also the appropriate equipment, which you are best off purchasing from a professional outfitter. Here you can find high-quality and robust products in a variety of models, for every purpose and requirement. This means that you can cater to every customer individually. We also offer opportunities for savings – for example with nail file sets with 10, 50 or even 100 nail files.

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