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UV Nail Salon Starter Set White
€39.99 *
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Nails & Beauty Factory UV Gel Starter-Set Favorite Colors Weiss UVA
UV Gel Starter Set Favourite Colours
from €54.99 *
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Nails & Beauty Factory Mobile Nagelstudio Mega Set Koffer Zebra Design
Portable Nail Studio Mega Set Zebra design
€79.99 *
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Perfectly equipped with UV gel starter sets

Nowadays, beautiful fingernails are an important part of a well-groomed appearance. It is hardly surprising then, that nail design has been very popular for many years. Many women regularly visit the nail salon to get their nails modelled or to find out about latest nail art trends. There are very clear advantages. Nail modelling not only protects the nails but also reinforces them. They are less likely to break and therefore need less care. Nail designers must of course know all of this and be constantly training and improving their skills. Having the right products in your nail salon is just as important as having the necessary knowledge.

What are UV gel starter sets?

UV starter sets are a fundamental part of every basic nail design set, as they are used to create the foundation for any well modelled nail. You are spoilt for choice, as the UV gel starter sets are of course also available in various sizes and designs. The basic tools required for any nail salon should always contain  a UV device. That should allow an even curing of the nail design, because the interior of the device is completely sealed. The device must also be easy to clean, both inside and out, as well as impervious to acids, polishes and gels. Various other accessories are required to create a professionally modelled gel.

Nails & Beauty Factory Shop: Buy your starter set comfortably online

A UV gel starter set also contains UV gels in clear, rose and French. Gel brushes in various different sizes make application much easier. A cutter, a tip box and a nail brush are all part of the basic necessities for successful nail design. Depending on the starter set you choose, it can contain a nail pattern wheel, a 2-way pen set, nail files in a variety of grain sizes, buffer blocks, tip stickers, glitter powder, rosewood cuticle sticks, cellulose pads, bonding agents and many other important tools and accessories. Every UV Starter set of course also contains a hand rest. After all – the client should be as comfortable as possible. Mobile starter sets are perfect for professionals who bring their studio to the client. These start with a premium quality case that securely holds and transports all the tools you will need for your nail studio. The case contains practical side pockets and storage compartments that ensure your tools stay well organised on the go. UV Gel Starter sets can also be ordered without the case for nail designers who work in their own studio. There are, of course, also starter sets for anyone who wants to get creative with their own nails at home.

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Perfectly equipped with UV gel starter sets

Nowadays, beautiful fingernails are an important part of a well-groomed appearance. It is hardly surprising then, that nail design has been very popular for many years. Many women regularly visit the nail salon to get their nails modelled or to find out about latest nail art trends. There are very clear advantages. Nail modelling not only protects the nails but also reinforces them. They are less likely to break and therefore need less care. Nail designers must of course know all of this and be constantly training and improving their skills. Having the right products in your nail salon is just as important as having the necessary knowledge.

What are UV gel starter sets?

UV starter sets are a fundamental part of every basic nail design set, as they are used to create the foundation for any well modelled nail. You are spoilt for choice, as the UV gel starter sets are of course also available in various sizes and designs. The basic tools required for any nail salon should always contain  a UV device. That should allow an even curing of the nail design, because the interior of the device is completely sealed. The device must also be easy to clean, both inside and out, as well as impervious to acids, polishes and gels. Various other accessories are required to create a professionally modelled gel.

Nails & Beauty Factory Shop: Buy your starter set comfortably online

A UV gel starter set also contains UV gels in clear, rose and French. Gel brushes in various different sizes make application much easier. A cutter, a tip box and a nail brush are all part of the basic necessities for successful nail design. Depending on the starter set you choose, it can contain a nail pattern wheel, a 2-way pen set, nail files in a variety of grain sizes, buffer blocks, tip stickers, glitter powder, rosewood cuticle sticks, cellulose pads, bonding agents and many other important tools and accessories. Every UV Starter set of course also contains a hand rest. After all – the client should be as comfortable as possible. Mobile starter sets are perfect for professionals who bring their studio to the client. These start with a premium quality case that securely holds and transports all the tools you will need for your nail studio. The case contains practical side pockets and storage compartments that ensure your tools stay well organised on the go. UV Gel Starter sets can also be ordered without the case for nail designers who work in their own studio. There are, of course, also starter sets for anyone who wants to get creative with their own nails at home.

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